Functional Testing

Get a deeper understanding of your specific health concerns & see results faster.

Your health is like a jigsaw puzzle—many different pieces must come together to create a picture of health.  

Functional testing is one tool used to show us the picture we’re trying to make.

Testing helps us identify the underlying causes of your health challenges, allowing us to create a plan that’s tailored to exactly what you need

“Taking the step to finally focus on my health was the best decision I’ve made in years.”

“I had been struggling with bloating for quite some time, but I noticed over the years it became worse. My heartburn/acid reflux issues started to become more severe. To the point of being unbearable. Anything I ate or drank, and I mean anything, caused all day bloating, and I felt miserable, to be honest.

I connected with Julie via IG and had the pleasure of talking with her before hiring her. I felt 100% comfortable knowing she’d be able to help me and find the ROOT cause of my gut issues.

Taking the step to finally test my gut was the best decision I’ve made in years. My bloating is gone, my acid reflux is gone, I’ve lost weight without trying, I feel absolutely amazing, more mental clarity, and my energy and confidence are up paired with everything else. Prior to taking this journey, I didn’t think I’d feel better. I am super grateful I learned the importance of gut health and connected with Julie to be my gut savior! I highly recommend if you’re having any digestive or gut issues, reach out to Julie. You will not regret it in the least!

She was there for me every step of the way. Detailed in all my tests and expectations. I was able to have all my questions and/or concerns answered along the way.

You are not alone, and she will ensure you don’t feel as such.”


Available Functional Tests & Pricing

Functional testing options can be explored during your initial consultation! Your dietitian will assist you in determining the most suitable test(s) for your needs!

Pricing includes a $99.00 interpretation fee. Test results are discussed during follow up calls.

If you are interested in just testing, please email: RemoteDietitians@Gmail.Com.

  • The research clearly shows that gut health isn't just about digestion—it plays a huge role in overall well-being.

    The bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and more (our gut microbiome) influence our diet, immune system, metabolism, mood, and hormones.

    The GI Map Test (GI Microbial Assay Plus) is a stool test that assesses your gut microbiome for bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens, microbial balance, and other intestinal health markers, such as low immune function, poor pancreatic elastase output, or intestinal permeability.

    We can precisely identify the underlying cause(s) of digestive symptoms using the GI Map results.

    This enables us to adopt a targeted approach to rebalancing the gut and nurturing a thriving microbiome for optimal health.

    Cash Pay Price: $415.00

  • The Mediator Release Test is a simple, patented blood test that identifies our body’s reactions to 140 foods and 30 food chemicals by measuring the number of mediators released and the subsequent changes in white blood cells.

    By identifying food sensitivities, we can accurately determine which specific foods trigger an immune response, eliminating the need for extensive elimination diets.

    This targeted approach allows for more efficient and personalized dietary interventions.

    Cash Pay Price: $450.00

  • Intracellular Micronutrient testing is a specialized form of nutritional testing that assesses the levels of essential vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients within the body's cells.

    It provides a more accurate reflection of the nutrient status within the cells where they are used.

    Cash Pay Price: $275.00

  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) provides real-time data on glucose levels, allowing us to monitor your blood sugar trends throughout the day.

    Using this data, we can make more strategic decisions regarding diet, exercise, and lifestyle recommendations, helping you achieve sustainable weight loss and stable energy levels!

    Depending on your diagnosis this could be covered fully by insurance!

    Cash Pay Price for 2 Weeks of Monitoring: $250.00

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) measures the mineral content of hair - including nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins.

    The HTMA allows us to examine patterns over a longer period of time and can provide information on issues such as PMS, mineral status, stress response, blood sugar balance, heavy metal loa, chronic fatigue, digestion, endocrine function, and more.

    Cash Pay Price: $199.00

  • DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) testing is a cutting-edge diagnostic tool used to assess hormone levels and their metabolites in the body. Unlike traditional blood or saliva tests, DUTCH testing provides a comprehensive picture of hormone balance by analyzing multiple hormone pathways.

    DUTCH testing offers insights into hormonal rhythms and imbalances, aiding in the personalized management of conditions such as adrenal fatigue, estrogen dominance, and thyroid dysfunction.

    Cash Pay Price: $399.00